That’s what I want to talk about, is who do you have in your corner? Have you ever seen every great boxer, every great MMA fighter has somebody in their corner? They got the corner guy there. And the reason, as Mike Tyson said it the best, is everybody can have a game plan until you get punched in the mouth, and that’s so true in business and in life. You can have an idea and a game plan of how you want to do something. And then when you get punched in the mouth, it all goes out the window.
And that’s what a good corner guy does for you. It’s somebody there to help change the strategy, change the approach, somebody you can vent to, vent your frustrations to, somebody who you can help solve your challenges. I’m here meeting with my business partner, Derek today, and he’s my corner guy. And that’s exactly what we do, is we talk about our wins together. We celebrate it, growth, strategy, and challenges, and how can we help it. And so if you don’t have a corner person, who’s your corner guy? Because you need one in your life.