Hey, guys. Dave Fulk here. Today I want to talk about keep moving forward. This is kind of one of my mantras. I’ve always said, “Keep trying, keep failing, but keep moving forward.” And so many people let a stumble or a fall or an obstacle literally completely stop their momentum. Just focus on this: Just be 1 percent better today than you were yesterday. That’s it. People look for life changing moments. Just keep moving forward. Be 1 percent better today than you were yesterday. Too many people spend too much time looking in the rear view mirror. Stop. Start looking out the windshield. Start looking at what’s in front of you. I like to call windshield wipers opportunities. Most people look right past them and never stop for one. Just grab one and look through the windshield and move forward.
So, no matter what’s going on in your life, no matter what challenges you’re having, no matter what obstacles you’re encountering, keep moving forward. You have survived 100 percent of your worst days, and today’s no different. So keep at it.