Who will do what by when? That is the principle I want to talk about today.
That’s the three W principle: who, what, when? And so many people, when they’re setting tasks, asking for things to get done, forget that crucial third part, the when. If you ask somebody to do something, it’s not enough.
How many times have you been disappointed that it didn’t get done fast enough or you’re having to follow back up on it? Guess what? Your fault. You didn’t say when.
So the three W principles: who will do what by when? So you need to make it really clear as you’re going through any project, any task, heck, even asking somebody to send an email, who’s going to do it? What needs to be done? And most importantly, and the one that everybody always forgets is, when does it need to be done by?
So remember, use the three W principle in everything you’re doing, and I promise you, you’ll be amazed at the efficiency in things getting done. See you soon.