Hey guys, when you think about a compliment or that you appreciate somebody and you think about it, but you don’t tell them, guess what?
It counts for zero!
You have to tell them. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve thought, oh, my wife got her hair done and she looked so pretty, but I didn’t tell her, and she didn’t feel appreciated. Or you had an employee who did a good thing or a good job and you didn’t tell them. Or your kid did something awesome but you didn’t tell them.
Guys, it accounts for zero if you don’t tell them.
So make sure if you find somebody in your life that you appreciate, that you’re grateful for, that you want to say thank you, take the few seconds it takes to tell your wife she’s pretty, to tell your kid they’re awesome, to tell an employer, a coworker, “Thank you, you did a great job.”
That simple little acknowledgment will go such a long way. So don’t think it, say it.