Are you Hyper Focused?

So, I was reminded of a couple things today. One, if you train high energy dogs like this one here, the saying that the trainers there’s two types, those who have been bit, and those who have not been bit yet, right? Two trainers, one, those who have been bit, and those who have not been bit, but yet, and that is the truth, but I don’t blame him. I blame me. And the other thing that I was reminded of is the reason it happened is I gave him a command. He did something a little funny that I wasn’t expecting, but I still was holding his toy, his ball in my hand, which is what he was going after. And it was my brain fart that forgot that. Well, these types of dogs are so laser-focused on what they want. They’re so laser-focused on the mission. They’re able to hyper-focus on what it is they want and go after it.

And nothing’s going to stay in their way, including fingers, thumbs, anything like that. They’ll jump through a window. That’s the type of dog they are. They’re able to hyper-focus on what it is that they want. And it reminded me of the most successful people I’ve ever seen have that same skillset. Have that same ability to hyper-focus, right? They’re able to push away the distractions and stay the course on what they want to accomplish. They’re able to not fall trap to that shiny object syndrome. Squirrel. Right? They’re able to say no, does this thing push me in the direction of my goals? Does this make me go further down that path of the thing that I want to accomplish? And the answer is yes. Great. Let’s do it. If the answer is no, then no, it may not be a no altogether, it may just be a not right now.

So, I like to say if it’s not a hell, yes, it’s a hell, no. So you have to be enthusiastic about either one. If it’s a, yes, it needs to be a hell yes. And you need to be hyper-focused on going towards it. And if it’s a, no, it needs to be a hell no, and you need to push it as far away as possible from helping you prevent your goals. So, two things, if you train dogs, know you’re going to get bit at some point in time. He’s not a mean vicious animal. He’s just a big dummy and did what he was supposed to do. It was my fault. Two, stay hyper-focused on your goals and don’t let anything distract you from getting there.

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